2023 Preschool Inclusion - PDG-B5

These trainings are designed to provide support to those involved in implementing preschool inclusion at the district level. Topics will focus on providing practice-based coaching around evidence based practices included in tools such as the Inclusive Classroom Profile (ICP) and the Preschool Teacher Observation Tool (TPOT). These trainings are provided through the Office of Innovative Projects as part of the work funded by the Preschool Development Grant - Birth to Five (PDG-B5)

January 2023

Reflective Practice Meeting for Preschool Inclusion and Equity Specialists (PIES) - Session 14
January 09, 2023

This series of reflective practice meetings is designed to support the collaboration and the work of the Preschool Inclusion and Equity Support (PIES) Specialists who are involved in Practice-Based Coaching using the TORSH platform. The sessions have been developed as a means of deepening the PIES's understanding of the cycle of Practice-Based Coaching and the Evidence-Based Practices on which they will focus when coaching inclusive preschool teachers. Additionally, time will be provided to ensu... More

February 2023

Reflective Practice Meeting for Preschool Inclusion and Equity Specialists (PIES) - Session 15
February 06, 2023

This series of reflective practice meetings is designed to support the collaboration and the work of the Preschool Inclusion and Equity Support (PIES) Specialists who are involved in Practice-Based Coaching using the TORSH platform. The sessions have been developed as a means of deepening the PIES's understanding of the cycle of Practice-Based Coaching and the Evidence-Based Practices on which they will focus when coaching inclusive preschool teachers. Additionally, time will be provided to ensu... More

March 2023

Reflective Practice Meeting for Preschool Inclusion and Equity Specialists (PIES) - Session 16
March 06, 2023

This series of reflective practice meetings is designed to support the collaboration and the work of the Preschool Inclusion and Equity Support (PIES) Specialists who are involved in Practice-Based Coaching using the TORSH platform. The sessions have been developed as a means of deepening the PIES's understanding of the cycle of Practice-Based Coaching and the Evidence-Based Practices on which they will focus when coaching inclusive preschool teachers. Additionally, time will be provided to ensu... More

April 2023

Reflective Practice Meeting for Preschool Inclusion and Equity Specialists (PIES) - Session 17
April 17, 2023

This series of reflective practice meetings is designed to support the collaboration and the work of the Preschool Inclusion and Equity Support (PIES) Specialists who are involved in Practice-Based Coaching using the TORSH platform. The sessions have been developed as a means of deepening the PIES's understanding of the cycle of Practice-Based Coaching and the Evidence-Based Practices on which they will focus when coaching inclusive preschool teachers. Additionally, time will be provided to ensu... More

May 2023

Reflective Practice Meeting for Preschool Inclusion and Equity Specialists (PIES) - Session 18
May 08, 2023

This series of reflective practice meetings is designed to support the collaboration and the work of the Preschool Inclusion and Equity Support (PIES) Specialists who are involved in Practice-Based Coaching using the TORSH platform. The sessions have been developed as a means of deepening the PIES's understanding of the cycle of Practice-Based Coaching and the Evidence-Based Practices on which they will focus when coaching inclusive preschool teachers. Additionally, time will be provided to ensu... More

July 2023

Practice-Based Coaching to Support Preschool Inclusion - Inclusion Builders Pilot Sites Only
July 31, 2023

This two-hour training is an introduction to practice-based coaching designed for coaches within the seven ISD/RESA Inclusion Builder pilot sites. Attendees will receive resources to gain a deeper understanding of practice-based coaching and how this model is used to support preschool inclusion. 

August 2023

Reflective Practice Meeting for Preschool Inclusion and Equity Specialists (PIES) - Session 19
August 28, 2023

This series of reflective practice meetings is designed to support the collaboration and the work of the Preschool Inclusion and Equity Support (PIES) Specialists who are involved in Practice-Based Coaching using the TORSH platform. The sessions have been developed as a means of deepening the PIES's understanding of the cycle of Practice-Based Coaching and the Evidence-Based Practices on which they will focus when coaching inclusive preschool teachers. Additionally, time will be provided to ensu... More

September 2023

Reflective Practice Meeting for Preschool Inclusion and Equity Specialists (PIES) - Session 20
September 18, 2023

This series of reflective practice meetings is designed to support the collaboration and the work of the Preschool Inclusion and Equity Support (PIES) Specialists who are involved in Practice-Based Coaching using the TORSH platform. The sessions have been developed as a means of deepening the PIES's understanding of the cycle of Practice-Based Coaching and the Evidence-Based Practices on which they will focus when coaching inclusive preschool teachers. Additionally, time will be provided to ensu... More