2023 Early Childhood Support Network
June 2023
June 15, 2023
This free virtual training is available for Great Start Collaborative and Parent Coalition members in the Eastern ECSN region. H.O.P.E. (Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences) 101 reveals a new way of seeing and talking about experiences that support children's growth and development into healthy, resilient adults. HOPE envisions a world that recognizes, honors, and fosters positive experiences as fundamental to lifelong health and well-being. Join this session to gain a basic underst... More
October 2023
October 24, 2023
This free virtual training is available for Great Start Directors, Parent Liaisons, RC Directors & Staff as well as any Collaborative and Parent Coalition members in the Eastern ECSN region. H.O.P.E. (Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences) 101 reveals a new way of seeing and talking about experiences that support children's growth and development into healthy, resilient adults. HOPE envisions a world that recognizes, honors, and fosters positive experiences as fundamental to lifel... More