All Together: Inclusion in Early Childhood Modules
Welcome to the online learning series, All Together: Caring for Children with Delays and Disabilities.
The series consists of four online modules to support the early childhood workforce in understanding early intervention and special education services as well as strategies for providing a more inclusive environment for all children, including children with disabilities. This learning series was made possible by the Michigan Department of Education with Federal Preschool Development Grant (PDG) Birth through Five funds.
The modules and their accompanying resources will be accessible to all early childhood educators and are available in English, Spanish, and Arabic.
Module 1: An Overview of Early On and Build Up
Module 2: Inclusive Care for Infants and Toddlers
Module 3: Inclusive Practices for Preschoolers
Module 4: Collaborative Relationships to Support Early Childhood Inclusion
This training event is approved in MiRegistry and/or State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECHs) for 2.00 hours of training credit. You must register, complete all 4 modules, and pass the competency quiz in order to receive MiRegistry training credit and/or State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECHs).
Explore developmental milestones, CDC's Learn the Signs. Act Early, and additional digital resources such as a testimonial video, public awareness materials, and social media sample messaging available in the Inclusion in Early Learning Toolkit.
All Together: Caring for Children with Delays and Disabilities (English)
This training is a series of four online modules to support the early childhood workforce to have access to resources and strategies for young children with disabilities in their care.
(Arabic Modules) الوحدات العربية
All Together: Caring for Children with Delays and Disabilities (Arabic)
هذا التدريب عبارة عن سلسلة من أربع وحدات عبر الإنترنت لدعم القوى العاملة في مرحلة الطفولة المبكرة للوصول إلى الموارد والاستراتيجيات للأطفال الصغار ذوي الإعاقة الذين هم تحت رعايتهم.
Módulos en Español (Spanish Modules)
Todos juntos: cuidando a niños con retrasos y discapacidades (Spanish)
Esta capacitación es una serie de cuatro módulos en línea para ayudar a los trabajadores de la primera infancia a tener accesos a recursos y estrategias para niños pequeños con discapacidades bajo su cuidado.