Inclusion in Early Learning Toolkit

Michigan families need access to more early care and education settings that are equipped to accommodate children of all abilities. Teachers and providers require access to resources, strategies and tools to help them provide inclusive early learning that allows children of all abilities to feel safe and supported, meet their developmental milestones and learn together.

The Inclusive Learning Toolkit materials found on this page will help you and your team provide high-quality early care and education. They help effectively communicate the benefits of this care to current and prospective parents and guardians.

Ready to get started? Download the materials below to learn how you can improve the quality of learning and care provided to children of all abilities.

Check out the online learning series, All Together: Caring for Children with Delays and Disabilities. The series consists of four online modules to support the early childhood workforce in understanding early intervention and special education services as well as strategies for providing a more inclusive environment for all children, including children with disabilities.

Digital Resources

We encourage you to use these free resources to display in your child care center or preschool, share with your employees and distribute to parents.

  • Social Media Sample Messaging Folder IconSocial Media Sample Messaging
    • icon Early On and Build Up Michigan Information Card
    • HEADLINE: Concerned about your child’s development? 

      COPY: Early On and Build Up can help!

      POST COPY: If you have concerns about your child’s development, the first thing to do is learn who can help! That’s what Early On Michigan and Build Up Michigan are all about. Get started by downloading informational handouts linked here for parents and guardians describing the services provided by both Early On Michigan and Build Up.

    • Great news!
    • HEADLINE: Great news!

      COPY: Our child care center is now “inclusive child care”!

      POST COPY: We are proud to announce that we are equipped to support children of all abilities! Inclusive child care means including children with learning delays in a child care setting alongside children who are meeting their milestones. Which means all of our students learn to develop positive self-images, friendship and social skills, problem-solving and respect for others.

    • icon Link to Build Up Website
    • HEADLINE: Need guidance about your child’s development? 

      COPY: Visit the Build Up MI website.

      POST COPY: Build Up Michigan helps locate and identify young children ages 3 through 5 years who need special education services. Some places refer to these special education programs and services as Build Up. Services such as speech and language therapy, physical or occupational therapy, and more are available for free to children who qualify through their Intermediate School District (ISD). Visit

    • icon Link to CDC’s Milestone Tracker App
    • HEADLINE: Is your child meeting milestones?   

      COPY: Download a handy milestone tracker! 

      POST COPY: Not all children develop at the same rate, but most children can do certain things by a certain age. Taking the first step, smiling for the first time, and waving “bye-bye” are called developmental milestones. Download a handy milestone tracker to learn more about milestones and how to recognize them as your child grows.

    • icon Link to Early On Michigan Website
    • HEADLINE: Need guidance about your child’s development? 

      COPY: Visit the Early On MI website.

      POST COPY: Early On is Michigan's system designed to help families with children who have developmental delays or are at risk for delays due to certain health conditions. If you have any concerns about your child’s development, both can provide information and resources to help you. Early On can guide families with infants and toddlers ages birth to age 3. Build Up helps parents and their children ages 3 through 5. Visit