Early Intervention Practices

Early Intervention Practices are what professionals in early intervention do with, and for, children and families to support optimal development in young children with delays and/or disabilities and family capacity to support their children. Evidence-based practices are practices that have been evaluated and proven to achieve positive outcomes for children and families. Practitioners can achieve positive outcomes for children and families by implementing evidence-based practices with fidelity. The Office of Innovative Projects provides support for evidence-based practices through guidance, professional development, and technical assistance to help service areas and ISD's implement practices. 

Resources related to early intervention practices can be found here.

  • icon CONNECT Modules
  • CONNECT: The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Knowledge at the Frank Porter Graham Institute. Each CONNECT Module focuses on a discrete practice in a key content area and is organized around the 5-Step Learning Cycle. The 5-Step Learning Cycle is an innovative approach to making evidence-based practice decisions. It is based on realistic problems to solve and the importance of integrating multiple perspectives and sources of evidence.

  • icon EI on the Fly
  • A podcast focused on all things early intervention!

  • icon Mission and Key Principles of Part C Early Intervention
  • Welcome to the Mission and Key Principles of Part C Early Intervention.

  • icon Recorded Overview of DAYC-2 (January 10, 2025)
  • This is a recorded webinar about the Developmental Assessment of Young Children - Second Edition (DAYC-2) facilitated by one of its authors, Dr. Judy Voress.  The DAYC-2 is used to identify children from birth through 5 years 11 months with possible delays in the following domains: Cognition, Communication, Social-Emotional Development, Physical Development, and Adaptive Behavior.  The purpose of the webinar was to provide an overview of the test including administration procedures, psychometric properties, and interpretation of results for birth to three.  It was recorded on January 10, 2025.  

  • Authentic Assessment Folder IconAuthentic Assessment
    • icon Introduction
    • This module focuses on one particular and very important aspect of the evaluation and assessment process called authentic assessment.

    • icon Lesson 1 - What is Authentic Assessment?
    • This lesson focuses on what authentic assessment is and the two core activities that are included in authentic assessment, observing, and gathering information from others.

    • icon Lesson 2 - Understanding Why
    • This lesson explores why authentic assessment is important. Discussion of the kinds of information team members, including the family and caregivers, learn and how this information supports early intervention activities are shared.

    • icon Lesson 3 - Who, Where, When and Within?
    • In this lesson, we explore who participates in authentic assessment, where it may happen, when it can be done, and within what early intervention processes that can occur during a family's journey through early intervention.

    • icon Lesson 4 - Putting it All Together
    • In Lesson 4 we will briefly review what has been learned in this module and provide activities as you work to develop or refine your skills.

  • Foundational Pillars Folder IconFoundational Pillars
    • icon Module 1: Family-Centered Practices
    • Welcome to the Foundational Pillars of Early Intervention. This module includes five topical sections. This section covers the 'Family-Centered Practices' Pillar.

    • icon Module 2: Children's Learning
    • Welcome to the Foundational Pillars of Early Intervention. This module includes five topical sections. In this section, we'll explore the pillar "Children's Learning".

    • icon Module 3: Natural Environments
    • Welcome to the Foundational Pillars of Early Intervention. This module includes five topical sections. In this section, we'll explore the pillar "Natural Environments".

    • icon Module 4: Adult Learning
    • Welcome to the Foundational Pillars of Early Intervention. In this section, we'll explore "Adult Learning".

    • icon Module 5: Quality Teaming
    • Welcome to the Foundational Pillars of Early Intervention. This module includes five sections. In this section, we'll explore the pillar "Quality Teaming".

    • icon Module 6: Closing
    • Now that you have completed all five sections of this online training resource you have the foundational knowledge of what family-centered practices, children's learning, natural environments, adult learning, and quality teaming look like in practice.

  • This is Your Brain Online: The Impact of Digital Technology Folder IconThis is Your Brain Online: The Impact of Digital Technology
    • icon This is Your Brain Online: Part 1
    • A growing body of research from a variety of disciplines indicates that the widespread use of digital technology - including computers. the internet, video games, and smartphones - has measurable, negative impact on the human brain especially for children under the age of 8. These 2 webinar recordings, conducted by Dr. Scott Becker, LP and Aislinn Sapp, MA, LLP, from Michigan State University, highlight much of this research and the effects of technology on infants and toddlers as well as the effects of distracted parents due to technology on infants and toddlers.

    • icon This is Your Brain Online: Part 2