MLPP Webinar-Birth Outcomes (Outcome Area 1-Children Born Healthy)
March 23, 2022
Training is from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM
No Fee
This webinar will review data related to the Great Start Collaborative’s first outcome area: Children are born healthy. We’ll review prenatal care and birth trends, highlighting outcomes throughout the state. The Kids Count in Michigan team will show you how to find local ECSN region and county data to inform your action planning. Finally, we’ll make the connection to the state budget and cover investments proposed for FY23.
Webinar Connection:
Once you have registered, the connection information will appear here or you will be emailed a link to the webinar at a later date.
Parker James, Kids Count Analyst
Kelsey Perdue, MLPP
Deadline Passed:
The registration deadline for this event has passed.