IDA Module 1
EOT&TA training is subsidized by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Part C. Therefore, only Early On personnel (i.e. those personnel who are part of the Early On eligibility determination team or those who do service coordination) are eligible to attend the training at the reduced cost ($150.00). Individuals who are not Early On personnel may register for this training at the actual cost ($300.00).
Early On Personnel: $150.00
Non-Early On Personnel: $300.00
Payment for completing the IDA series is now being collected before beginning Module One, the online training. Participants must register and complete Module One before attending Module Two, IDA Practicum.
Each module (1, 2, and 3) must be completed and done in order for successful completion. Payment is collected before beginning Module 1 Online Training.
The IDA (Infant/Toddler Developmental Assessment) builds a graphic portrait of a child's strengths and concerns in eight developmental domains. This tool involves parents as partners in all aspects of the assessment. At the end of the on-line training (Module 1), the interactive Zoom training (Module 2), and the completion of the one required videotaping of children between the ages of 6 months to 32 months and the accompanying interview of their caregiver, along with the respective integrative health and parent reports and accessory paperwork (Module 3), participants will possess the basic skills necessary to complete the IDA.
Module 1: The first module is on-line training, covering the evaluation process and phases, the assessment, administration of tasks, and documentation. This online session provides an opportunity to learn at a participant's own pace and can be utilized as an ongoing resource in the future. This module covers 6 different chapters (called phases), each providing PowerPoint guided instruction with the IDA form review and video clip demonstration of administration of items. While the offering is self-paced, a minimum of 4 hour time is required to complete the six phases of this training.
Module 2: Module two is offered in a 4.5-hour interactive Zoom training and focuses on the application of knowledge gained in module one. It is required to have completed the on-line prerequisite material before registering for Module 2 IDA Practicum. Once registered for the Practicum participants will receive an email with materials to support this module.
Module 3: To complete the training, each participant is responsible for video-taping an administration of the IDA and the parent interview and submitting it for review. While preparation time is required, an average evaluation session is 1 hour of time. Participants will need to satisfactorily complete the administration of the IDA as indicated by the trainer.
State Continuing Education Clock Hours: State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECHs) are available for the IDA modules. Please request SCECHs by clicking the 'yes' button during registration for IDA module 1. You must register for IDA module 1 and 2 and complete all 3 modules to receive SCECHs. After all 3 modules have been successfully completed a certificate of completion is granted. A Participation Verification form will then be available for participants interested in SCECHs Nine (9) SCECHs will be available to participants who successfully complete Modules 1-3.
Online Training:
This online training is offered through the CCRESA Innovative Projects website. Once you register for this training, you will receive an email confirmation of your registration. To access the training, please click on the link below or the link provided in your email confirmation and save it as a bookmark or favorite so that you may return to it again.
If you have registered for this training, you may also return to it by clicking here.
Criss Hickey
Kris Kasperski
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