All Together: Caring for Children with Delays and Disabilities (Arabic)
No Fee
تمت ترجمة الوحدات إلى اللغة العربية. بالنسبة لهذه الصفحة، يرجى است�®دام ميزة ترجمة جوجل في الزاوية اليمنى العليا من هذه الصفحة
This training is a series of four online modules to support the early childhood workforce to have access to resources and strategies for young children with disabilities in their care.
This training event is approved in MiRegistry. If you would like to receive training credit in MiRegistry, please provide your MiRegistry ID. You will receive 2.00 hours of training credit.
This training event is eligible for 2.00 hours of State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECHs).
Online Training:
This online training is offered through the CCRESA Innovative Projects website. Once you register for this training, you will receive an email confirmation of your registration. To access the training, please click on the link below or the link provided in your email confirmation and save it as a bookmark or favorite so that you may return to it again.
If you have registered for this training, you may also return to it by clicking here.
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- Notification of new trainings
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- Tracking of your professional learning
- Storage of your SCECH PIC number for use in future training
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