Thriving Threes: Effective Teaching for Three-Year-Old Children (Series 1, Session 1)


September 06, 2024 and
September 27, 2024


Training is from 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM


Thriving Threes: Effective Teaching for Three-Year-Old Children is designed to meet the unique needs of Michigan's Strong Beginnings classrooms, geared toward helping educators feel knowledgeable, confident, and competent in instructing and supporting three-year-old children and their families. 

This is a two-part training. Both sections are required to complete the training. By registering for this training, you are also registering for Session 2 on September 27th. 


This training event is approved in MiRegistry. If you would like to receive training credit in MiRegistry, please provide your MiRegistry ID. You will receive 2.50 hours of training credit.


This training event is eligible for 2.50 hours of State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECHs).

Webinar Connection:

Once you have registered, the connection information will appear here or you will be emailed a link to the webinar at a later date.


Noel Kelty
Strong Beginnings Implementation Team

Deadline Passed:

The registration deadline for this event has passed.