All Things Early On: Gathering Information and Writing Meaningful IFSP Outcomes, Jackson ISD personnel only
May 04, 2023
Registration begins at 11:30 AM
Training is from 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Lunch will be served.
No Fee
This in-person training will provide information about gathering IFSP information and writing meaningful IFSP outcomes which are directly tied to the routines based information gathered in the assessment. We will learn, step-by-step, how to write routines-based child level IFSP outcomes. Time for practice writing IFSP outcomes will be given.
This training is for Jackson ISD Personnel.
JCISD Central Campus, 1226 S. Wisner St., Jackson, MI
Jean Wassenaar
Jorri Novak
Deadline Passed:
The registration deadline for this event has passed.