Partnerships and Power: Reflective Strategies to Prepare Early On Service Providers


February 06, 2025


Training is from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM


Early On Center Coursework Connections Webinar 

Partnering with families is an essential but complex part of early intervention. Service providers often need support to identify and disrupt subtle power dynamics that can impede their efforts at collaboration with families. Drawing from a study with Early On providers who engaged in video-based reflection on their practice with families, this session offers practical strategies to integrate meaningful reflection about partnerships and power into pre-service and in-service preparation activities.

SCECHs will be available for 1.0 CEUs.


This training event is eligible for 1.00 hours of State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECHs).

Webinar Connection:

Once you have registered, the connection information will appear here or you will be emailed a link to the webinar at a later date.


Dr. Christine Hancock, Assistant Professor of Early Childhood Special Education at Wayne State University

Deadline Passed:

The registration deadline for this event has passed.